ELIS is a non-profit educational organization that focuses on people and work, suggesting professionalism as a tool for common good. In order to bridge the gap between school and work, to respond to juvenile unemployment and contribute to the sustainable development of the organizations, Elis aims to young people, professionals and companies.
Every year, 250 employees and 50 volunteers dedicate themselves to the training of over 2.000 people in 4 locations (Rome, Palermo, Ovindoli and Castel Gandolfo). In addition, there are 117 managers and university professors who dedicate 30 hours to young students, in a two-year period, through the presentation of case studies and mentoring activities with individual students.
ELIS has 50 years of history and dates back to Saint John XXIII desire who, during the 60’s, entrusted to Opus Dei the realisation of a social project for young people of the suburbs of Rome. Today, as well as the Tiburtino is no longer the 50 years ago suburb, also ELIS extended its educational action to other Italian and European areas. Elis was born thanks to the inspiration of San Josemaría Escrivá, founder of the Opus Dei, who defined Elis a work University, a place where, from the workman to the manager, the work is taught as a service.
ELIS is composed by different schools and facilities: a Professional School for specialized workers in the sectors of manufacturing and craft; an hospitality school, SAFI, for girls who want to work in the sector of hospitality and wine-and-food; a College where students live and, while graduate, they specialize in new technologies; a Corporate School that support companies in the acquisition and development of professional and social skills useful to pursue its strategy. Moreover, there are two sport schools (male and female) and an ONG that promotes training programs for developing countries.
ELIS also plans its activities in collaboration with the companies associated with Elis Consortium. The member companies joining the Consortium contribute to the commitment of Elis in the training of young people and in the promotion of a professional culture careful to the person. Every six months the Consortium is led by one of the companies (presidency semester), to guide the implementation of a project of technology innovation, juvenile employment and overall initiatives aimed to social progress.
Considering the values that animate Elis’ mission and commitment, Mobility2o chose Elis as a privileged partner for the professional training, which aims to offer.
More info: ELIS | ELIS CORPORATE SCHOOL – Progetto Mobility to People
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